You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Debtor > Debtor Inquiry - Inquiry > Inquiry - Extra Inquiry
Inquiry - Extra Inquiry

This inquiry displays a debtor's class, ABN, ACN, email address, tax details, and account details. In Micronet 2.8, you can also view the Debtor's Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes.

  1. Open the Debtor Inquiry screen for the debtor you want to inquire on.

Refer to "Displaying the Debtor Inquiry Screen" (MDS and MRF) or "Displaying the Debtor Inquiry Screen" (POS).


Micronet displays the Debtors Extra Information screen.

This screen displays the following details:






This field gives you an alternative means of grouping customers for reporting/inquiries.



The customer’s Australian Company Number.



The customer’s Australian Business Number.


Email Address 1, 2, 3

Up to three email addresses for the debtor.


Home Page

The Internet address of the debtor's home page.


Tax Number

The debtor's tax number.


Charge WET

Whether and how Wine Equalisation Tax is applied to sales to this debtor (liquor sales only). The options are:

  • No Wet – don't apply WET tax
  • Sell Price – apply WET tax to sell prices
  • Wholesale Price 1-8 – apply WET tax to a specific wholesale price
  • Retail Price 1-8 – apply WET tax to a specific retail price
  • Cost – apply WET tax to the cost price
  • Before Discount – apply WET tax before any discount is applied
  • ½ Retail Price – apply WET tax to half the retail price.


Charge Duty/Excise

Whether duty or excise is applied to sales to this debtor.


Start Date

The date from which the ??? is valid.


End Date

The date to which the ??? is valid.


Account Opened

The date that the debtor's account was opened, if applicable.


Cash Sale

Whether this debtor can pay invoices with cash at the time an invoice is processed. The options are:

  • No – do not accept cash sales from this debtor
  • Yes – accept cash sales from this debtor
  • Account or Cash – this debtor can pay invoices by either account or cash.


Account Status

The debtor's account status:

  • Active
  • Disabled – the account cannot be used
  • enPOS Allocations.


Run Number

If the debtor has any standing orders, the default run number in which those orders are processed.


D&B SIC (Industry)

2.8 Feature

If your company uses Dun & Bradstreet Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for the collection and analysis of industry statistics, Micronet displays the industry code applicable to this debtor, e.g.:


D&B SIC (Primary)

2.8 Feature

Micronet displays the primary group within the industry code for this debtor, e.g.:

  1. When you have finished, select Ok to exit the Debtors Extra Information screen.

Micronet redisplays the Debtor Inquiry screen where you can perform another inquiry if required.

  1. Select FILE | NEW to inquire on a different debtor.